General Information FAQ

Always, always, always ensure that you have the minimum programs running in the background necessary to use Windows 95. If you have virus-guards, crash-guards, screensavers or other utilities your System Resources will be considerably reduced, despite the amount of RAM on your system.

1. Press Ctrl, Alt and Delete simultaneously to reveal the End Task window.
2. Press the End Task button for each program, apart from Systray and Explorer.

The next thing to always be sure of before contacting tech support is that you have the most recent Microsoft-certified drivers and updates for your machine and hardware. Most problems are solved with driver updates and game updates. Please check our pages for the latest game updates, and check our graphics card, sound card and computer system manufacturer pages to contact your manufacturer for system updates.

List of Video cards supported by DirectX

List of Sound cards supported by DirectX

List of Graphics card manufacturers

List of Sound card manufacturers

List of Computer manufacturers